The Official Fonzarellie's Un-Fan Club
Overcoming Keith Obsessions
Top 10 Reasons to Ban 'The Fonzies!' | The Fonzies Hate Club Success Stories! (because we care) | Overcoming Keith Obsessions | LINKS | PHOTO PAGE! | CONNECT | pictures of the club | Keith... caught in the act


It's time to throw out that studded belt and those bandanas!

We know its hard, keith, can be charming (so you say.) The music isn't horrible, it is possible to tolerate the raunch bowl(raunch in reference to how disgusting it truly is). But, now it's time to get away from Keith, you've realized, that theres better music, better boys, and better venues. Here are some tips for overcoming the Keith-syndrom.

1. Go downtown, that means, past 72nd street, and have some fun, discover, your OWN style!
2. Thats it lets go and find a new boy!! best guy in omaha area to have a crush on: the quiet lovable, Conor Orbest. Thats a starting point from there, you can move to other bands...
3. discover the world of GOOD PUNK ROCK

We know, these aren't permanent solutions for those of you with more serious problems. If problem persists, we suggest you seek professional help.