
Top 10 Reasons to Ban 'The Fonzies!'
The Fonzies Hate Club Success Stories! (because we care)
Overcoming Keith Obsessions
pictures of the club
Keith... caught in the act
The Official Fonzarellie's Un-Fan Club
Keith... caught in the act

we have proof, the following, are pictures of keith being a complete *booty*


i feel that this photo, is obvious. notice the bandana, the hair, the "hardcore hand sign."
sadly, america's youth is being attacked by this horrible image


Here, you can see clearly, that keith has kicked the crap out of some unsuspecting male or female, were not sure which. notice the blood on the shirt, and face, and even keiths hand. also take notice to how the weakened man leans on keith for support... with his last breath... in a sort of, drunken manner.

you know you have the pictures
you know we need the proof
send them in right away, so that justice may be done.

send to: non_fanfonzie@hotmail.com

*this page is far from factual.